Hospital Bed Sivas

Hospital Bed Sivas

Do you need a hospital bed? Do not worry, we send the mattresses we produce as elite health products to your address. These standard products are generally used in all medical companies similar to the models you can find. However, if it is necessary to mention about the issues that we are privileged as elite health products, we produce these mattresses compared to other companies. You can buy it at a more affordable price and you can find a one-to-one contact person during the warranty period. Patient Bed You can find a total of 18 patient bed models in our branch in Sivas. There are models of motorized patient beds that we sent from our ankara factory, which is close to our branch in Sivas.

Making Patient Bed

This type of beds were models that were produced in the past for the patient to lie on a flat floor, without the motion and handrails. Now, on the contrary, with movable railing and comfort,Models at the top level are produced. There are models that are produced specially for you and we recommend these models to our customers. This type of motorized patient bed models.Better efficiency can be obtained because it is compatible. Most models of bedsteads do not have an IV pole and you will be asked to purchase them separately. We present the IV pole free of charge.As the patient bed Sivas, we are always with you, our customers.

Hospital Bed Sivas Sales Districts

















We have this type of motorized patient bed sales and after-sales technical support service in their districts, and we provide the installation of the product you have purchased to your residence address. In case of any malfunction, our istanbul-supported technical service colleagues contact you.

If the problem is not solved on the phone, we immediately direct our technical service friend from our Sivas branch to you and solve the problem.